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Very Simple Database Inspector

Free database comparison and synchronization tool.


"Free database comparison and synchronization tool."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Very simple database inspectors a free database comparison and synchronization tool quickly and easily designed in two or more database structures between the synchronizing, functions, views, tables, triggers, including the one stored procedures, indexes, and primary switches.

Multiple Database Support
Very Simple Database Inspector development so that different architectures do not have to buy synchronization packets and supports SQL Server and Microsoft Access.

Structure Synchronization
Very Simple Database Inspector table definitions, column definitions, primary key information, click the synchronization between the permit to ensure the difference between databases and SQL will determine procedures, views, stored functions, triggers and indexes

a filter list changes all the changes to separate certain types are permitted. Structure between the two databases

Synchronize Mapping Tables
Just click an item in the database Chances are synchronized to one or more mapping tables - which should have a static table containing coded data includes all databases, such as a list of countries between. Very simple database mapping table to identify your inspector and databases to synchronize content among their offers.

Assistant Warnings and Recommendations
Where an item can not be done, or to be aware of the software has detected some kind of anomaly, Very Simple Database Inspector is easy to read and clear language to prevent or in some cases provide instructions on solving problems.

SQL editor
Use the SQL editor built in will tell the user to customize exactly how you want the commands. Unlike other synchronization software, no need to copy / paste the sql to a third party editor. Any changes you make will be changed back to a simple click of a mouse synchronization tool and can be applied with

Very Simple Database Inspector 2.21 now free to download, you can do.

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